Honolulu Prospect Exploration

Over 5 years of exploration work has been completed on the property.  The primary objective of the efforts were the discovery of a major porphyry copper deposit.  Geological mapping, geochemical and geophysical surveys, prospecting, and diamond core drilling were used. While studying  stream sediments and soil samples in the creek,  a  team of geologists discovered pink erythrite, a cobalt arsenate coating on the bottom of the rocks.  Follow up assays indicated anomalous silver value, extraordinarily high enough  to warrant an initial drill program.

Drill Hole 1 intersected 4 feet of mineralization which assayed 124.5 ounces of silver per ton, 6.4% lead, and 4.5% zinc.   Comparing it to the ten largest silver mines in the world, the Honolulu Prospect silver grade is much higher than any of them.